The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29499   Message #374053
Posted By: Dave Wynn
13-Jan-01 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Subject: RE: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Thanks Midchuck..My question was not Idle...I have used that joke and not thought about offending any Lawyers present. My problem now lies with finding an area of humour that does not somehow contain the capacity for injury.

The lion joke refered to earlier in this thread is a sample but I bet there aren't many around like that. Take the example of the two wildlife photographers confronted with a fully grown and angry lion. One immediately opens his knapsack and starts to put on a pair of nike trainers. The other says "no way will you outrun that lion" the first says.."I only have to outrun you!"....not offensive?

Bet it could be to a paraplegic....where do we make our line in the sand?

Spot (who walks round and round in his basket flops down philosophically and washes his privates) the dog