The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158248   Message #3740946
Posted By: Richard Bridge
30-Sep-15 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: RE, Vital to preserve gender.
Subject: RE: BS: RE, Vital to preserve gender.
Mauvepink, I merely wished to avoid implying that a former woman who appears to be a man, and a former man who appears to be a woman (the former being a transman and the latter a transwoman) are not merely exercising a lifestyle choice. I am open to a better word than "manifest". The gender descriptor applies to the outward appearance, the clothing, the social conduct.

In that sense I would not describe someone biologically male but who appeared to be female, but whose sexual preference was for sex with women, as a transwoman. I have not to date seen any serious consideration of the concept of a biologically male lesbian, or a biologically female gay man. Can you direct me to sensible debate on the matter?

Be that as it may I am (as far as I know) exclusively sexually attracted to the biologically female although I concede that the eye may be deceived and that touch may also mislead.