The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158222   Message #3741186
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
01-Oct-15 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: US to release Shaker Aamer 13 years late
Subject: RE: BS: US to release Shaker Aamer 13 years late
right and you think otherwise.....

you can't think your way into how someone would feel whose kid was out there. your lack of imagination isn't my fault. it isn't a defect in me.

your need to do a smug superior holier than thou rant is your problem.

I'm not talking about right and wrong. I'm talking about what is.

Stand up tell them they're wrong to want every possible thing done to protect their kids. Don't whine at me. Write to your MP. the ministry of defence. your mp. join Amnesty International. Done any of those things?

or is it just easier to unload abuse on pensioners using a folksong website. don't worry you have several like minded individuals to keep you company.