The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158268   Message #3741392
Posted By: Bill D
02-Oct-15 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent...
Subject: RE: BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent...
" If your government isn't bothered -..... why should we care less here?"

I presume you didn't see Obama's comments. He was as angry as I've ever seen him.

I am weary with having **The USA** condemned by simply posting statistics. We KNOW the statistics. And almost everyone knows that the majority want changes in gun legislation. I have worn my fingers out for years explaining how the Constitution, the NRA, the electoral process, congressional Gerrymandering, and cultural demographics contribute to this stagnant, stupid, awkward situation.
It is **NOT** a case of simply being too complacent to do anything.... and there is NOTHING a president can do by issuing a decree. In Great Britain, you have a system to make certain laws apply nationally........ we have "*states rights*". We would need to amend the Constitution to make serious inroads, and that is close to impossible right now. EVEN IF we did, and passed serious laws in every state, there are still 200-300 million guns out there, many hidden away "just in case". We do not want to fight another war over whether to crack down on guns! Yes, it's frustrating, and yes, there are good, intelligent people working in all the legal channels possible to do what can be done... given the overall situation.

Give it a rest, won't you... unless you have clear, specific suggestions to make in a positive way!