The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8015   Message #3741709
Posted By: Megan L
04-Oct-15 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Nobody Loves a Fairy when She's Forty
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Nobody Loves a Fairy when She's Forty
Leeneia this song was written in the early 30's it was sung by the amazing Tessie O'shea musician, singer, actor and dancer one of the last Old time music hall acts.

I'm not sure what paradise you were brought up in but in 1930's Glasgow working class women of forty were on the whole worn out ghosts of what might have once been beautiful young girls. constant child bearing hard work and poor nutrition due to poverty took their toll. The life expectancy for woman at the turn of the 20th century life expectancy for a woman was in general 50 by the 1930s it had risen to about sixty but you have to bear in mind that this also included those from affluent areas where good food was the norm and medical care was easily afforded. In the inner city tenements with hunger and disease endemic and childbearing without the recourse to medical aid without payment the average age was considerably lower.

free medical treatment was not available till the National Health Service bill was introduced in 1947 with the service coming into use in 1948.