The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29546   Message #374186
Posted By: Benjamin
13-Jan-01 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't take this too seriously!!
Subject: RE: BS: Don't take this too seriously!!

Personal Profile for:

Sex: Male
Living arrangement: with parents
What do you think about ouija boards?: what does ouija mean?
Your favourite TV show? David Letterman
What's on your mouse pad? Blue
Favourite board games: Monopoly
Favourite magazines: Fingerstyle Guitar, Golf Digest
Favourite smells: Grape
Worst feeling in the world: I've felt a lot bad feelings. I'm not sure which is the worst!
Best feeling in the world: Praising God
Favourite CD: All n ALl- Earth Wind and Fire
Do you get motion sickness? not any more
Roller coasters - scary or exciting? were exciting, haven't done them in years!
How many rings before you answer the phone? 2
Future sons name? Cornelius and/or Elymas
Future daughter's name? Lydia and/or Linsey
Favourite foods: Egg roles
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Favourite ice cream? Rocky Road
Croutons or bacon bits? bacon- the whole strip!
Do you like to drive? Not in Seattle!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No
What type was your first car: Never owned my own. First car I drove was my Mom's Cherokee
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? Too many names too chose from
Favourite alcoholic drink: Don't drink alcohol
What is your zodiac sign? Aquarius (I don't think that matters though)
Who is your favourite poet? Dylan Thomas
Do you eat the stems of broccoli? No
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Musician
If you could dye your hair any colour, what would it be? I'd leave it the way it is (brownish red/reddish brown)
Have you ever been in love? Does she have to love you back?
What is on your walls in your room? A quote by J.S. Bach, and some phone numbers I hung up.
Is the glass half empty or half full? I keep having my cup filled!
Favourite movie(s): Black Belt Jones! Real Genius, Chicken Run
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? Righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Define "right keys"
If you could be one gardening tool, what would you be? A tractor (okay, so I expanded the definition a little!)
What's under your bed? Carpet
What is your favourite number? 21
What is your dream car? A tank
Favourite sport(s)to watch: Basketball