The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158226   Message #3742021
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Oct-15 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: The New World Order
Subject: RE: BS: The New World Order
Teribus, you of all people should be able to tell neutrally-presented facts from statements that contain information presented in a tendentious way. That should make you suspicious. If it doesn't, you've been reading too manly tabloids. That is exactly their style. What you presented, on the other hand, are facts, sort of. But what you omitted from your copy and paste was the next bit, which, er, sheds a slightly different light than what you and Guest have tried to bring. Lessee:

As a Pan-Islamic, religious, and social movement, it preached Islam, taught the illiterate, set up hospitals and business enterprises. The group spread to other Muslim countries but has its largest, or one of its largest, organizations in Egypt despite a succession of government crackdowns in 1948,1954, 1965, and 2013 after plots, or alleged plots, of assassination and overthrow were uncovered. Over the years it also developed branches in other Muslim countries.

The Arab Spring brought it legalisation and substantial political power at first, but as of 2013 it has suffered severe reversals.The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood was legalized in 2011 and won several elections, including the 2012 presidential election when its candidate Mohamed Morsi became Egypt's first democratically elected president. One year later, however, following massive demonstrations, anger at perceived discrimination and disenfranchisement against religious minorities, and anger at repressive religious policies, Morsi was overthrown by the military and arrested. As of 2014, the organization has been declared a terrorist group both in Egypt and by its erstwhile ally Saudi Arabia, and is once again suffering a severe crackdown in Egypt as well as pressure in other Arab countries. The Brotherhood itself claims it is a peaceful, democratic organization, and its leader "condemns violence and violent acts".

Tendentious means that you included the bits that seem to make your case but left out the rather awkward more moderate bits. I'm happy to supply them for you. I could suggest that instead of quoting "stated aims", which you can do for any organisation under the sun, you should more closely adhere to the biblical " by their fruits shall ye know them."