The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158268   Message #3742086
Posted By: Bill D
06-Oct-15 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent...
Subject: RE: BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent...
Howard Jones said "Removing guns from a society cannot be done overnight. However the UK and other European countries have managed it, over time, and on the whole have broad public support for doing so. "

Of course! But other countries didn't have nearly the amount.. either totals or % that we do. They also didn't have paranoid militia groups swearing to fight to the death for the 'right' to ummmm... fight to the death.
WE have a majority who favor serious controls and changes, but there is NO....I repeat ...NO way to have a simple national referendum to make overall changes. The process of amending the Constitution, great as it is for some issues, remains the stumbling block for issues where the process in Congress and ratification by the states is not subject to simple majority vote.

It's going to be a long, awkward fight.