The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158268   Message #3742557
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
08-Oct-15 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent...
Subject: RE: BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent...
this letter was at the foot of that page.

Drolka Gamenovichy says:
October 6, 2015 at 1:53 am
If you believe this shooting actually occurred, you are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. Take a look at all of these "shootings" over the past several years.

Come on, people. Snap out of your dream state and THINK! For God's sake, how many times will you allow this government to pull off the same, sloppy false flag M.O. before it dawns on you that they're now even recycling details from previous false flags.

Get out from in front of the boob tube, read from MANY sources, (this is a tough one) research, go for a walk and get some fresh air to start those synapses firing. If nothing else, LOOK (read from various sources and perspectives) at what event(s) immediately precede or occur simultaneously that our "leaders" might not want you to focus on, because surrounding EVERY one of these shooting hoaxes lurk, of course a "DRILL", plus a story the government and their sock puppet media want very badly to deflect your attention away from.

OH, and if you still haven't figured it out, the PTB (powers that be) WANT TO DISARM AMERICANS. PERIOD. That's the bottom line, and they have so many of these events prepped and ready to go when a story pops up that embarrasses them. Ever see the Help Wanted ads for "crises actors"? There are likely even some YouTube videos out there of crises actor training for some of these acts of THEATER.

Here's another idea…since these idiots are sloppy seconds the govt uses to plan and carry out these debacles, research the victims and shooter. Sandy Hook was the ultimate in loose ends and holes through which a Boeing 747 could fly. The "victims" were part of Hollywood assembled families to whom the govt gave homes to in the area a year or two in advance, they've all mysteriously vanished from the area…ok there's so many problems with this story and I don't have all night. Go look it up. I DO want to sorrowfully inform you that one of the Sandy Hook victims was later murdered a second time in a similar hoax staged in the Middle East. You can look that one up as well.

Ever notice that the "victim's" "loved ones" are immediately available and anxious to get in front of a TV camera? Like within minutes! They always speak of "forgiving" the shooter, are smiling and inappropriately happy and at least mention gun control at some point. Who does that? I don't know about you, but I would be inconsolable…a raging mess and in NO mood to forgive ANYONE, least of all the one who just murdered my loved one! What unfeeling robots write these crappy plays? Washington and Hollywood, the people that write the scripts for the crises actors AND FOR THE TV NEWS PEOPLE!

The PWB use the "Higalean Dialect", which is:
Hence the stories are pre-written for the actors, but also for the media. Ask yourself: "What do the PTB wish me to believe is the solution, and how are they manipulating me to come to the same, or agree with their solution?" What is their solution? It's their ultimate goal…GUN CONTROL. Actually, their ultimate goal is total domination, but we are their stumbling block.

Now you may think that's an awful lot of trouble to go to in terms of the years and money spent (and actual murdering of participants that started asking questions). But is it too much trouble? NO! Not if the PTB want to run everything. The biggest obstacle for them is actually GOD almighty. Nonetheless, they believe their biggest obstacle is you and me. All armed Americans, not to mention the dreaded trained former military that live among us…folks they know we outnumber them…by a long shot. (Pun intended.)

I beseech you to WAKE UP! We need your help to take back our country from the treasonous, lying, murderous, pedophile, evil heathens trying to run the real USA into the ground. I say "real", because on Feb 21, 1871 those traitors that comprised congress illegally voted to start up the UNITED STATES (all caps), which is a corporation that took over and has done extreme damage to all, especially our brave mitary who have fought and died for this corporation in wars used as a front for their multi-trillion drug importation and sales.

Any of these things I've mentioned one can find legitimate data to back up these truths.

to which one can only say wow! how many Americans believe this stuff!!!!!!!!