The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158296   Message #3742673
Posted By: akenaton
09-Oct-15 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tory party conference
Subject: RE: BS: Tory party conference
Regarding my remarks on unregulated immigration, I was of course referring to the flood of economic migrants from Eastern Europe, who were actively encouraged to come here by Blair and Brown "to make Britain more competitive in the global economy".

All political Parties including the SNP supported that idiocy, the only exception being Mr Farage and UKIP .
All except the SNP have reversed their views and now admit that we must have control of our borders and some control on who and how many come here.
The SNP will regret sticking to the policy of using cheap foreign labour rather than training the hundreds of thousands of young people who at present have no viable future, and live in drug addled sinks all over the Central Belt.
Independence should be the door to a new future and a new mindset, not a platform for prancing career politicians to perform on.

We have all seen that show...."The New Labour Review".