The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #157205   Message #3743150
Posted By: Nancy King
11-Oct-15 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway Oct, 2015 - lost & found posted!!
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway Oct, 2015 - lost & found posted!!
You are more than welcome, Amos! Thanks for coming! As I've said many times before, it's the people who come to the Getaway who make it so very special.

The weather wasn't ideal, to be sure, but it could have been so much worse -- there were times during the preceding week when it was forecast to be seriously horrendous, but we lucked out. I guess we just live right, huh? By the way, extra thanks are due to the camp staff at West River, who were helpful and pleasant as always, assured us the buildings were safe from flooding, and even provided us with explicit directions for what to do in case of a power failure. As it happened, we didn't need them, but with high winds and saturated ground, it was all too possible.

Our numbers were down somewhat from previous years, but those who made it were great! Highlights for me included:

A fabulous fiddle duet (and lots of other stuff) by Cindy Kallet and Grey Larsen;

The opportunity to get to know the Short Sisters, whom I've admired for years;

A wonderful upbeat Gospel workshop with Sheila Kay Adams, Flawn Williams, and a whole roomful of great singers;

The chance to hear once again the beautiful voice of Sarah White, whom I fervently hope will continue to grace us with her presence;

The opportunity to meet Tim Radford, who came highly recommended, but whom I'd never encountered, and to hear his marvelous big voice;

And of course, the special treat of getting together with all of my dear friends whom I get to see only once a year.

There were of course plenty of other great moments as well, but those are the ones that spring to mind at the moment. I can hardly wait till next year -- speaking of which:

PLAN NOW for the next Getaway, which will be somewhat earlier in the year than usual: SEPTEMBER 23-26, 2016! Mark your calendars!!

Love you all,