The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158296   Message #3744433
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
16-Oct-15 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tory party conference
Subject: RE: BS: Tory party conference
you can see his insistence that he is right about an incident he wasn't there at.

I am not and never have insisted anything at all about the incident. As you say, I was not there. What I know I am right about is that both remarks are, in my opinion and that of many others, racist.

Simplistic gnomish lesson (I know no other sort) in racism...
Gang of east Europeans looting = racist
Gang of criminals looting = not racist
very. upset at the influx of Eastern Europeans, and the lawlessness they have bought to towns like Boston = racist
very upset at the current lawlessness in Boston = not racist

Is it so difficult to understand that when race is mentioned in a negative light it is racist? Can you not see that by repeating negative stereotypes it is feeding the flames of racism?

I have insisted over and over again that I believe that the remarks were made carelessly rather than maliciously and have given ample opportunity for you to confirm that. Instead you have accused me of everything from being deceitful to threatening you. Neither is true nor are the many other accusations you make against me but I am happy to let those go as anyone who know me knows they are simply not true. Just as anyone you know will, I am sure, confirm that you are not a racist. Let it go for heavens sake before you do yourself any serious damage.

PFR - Nail on the head. Thank you.