The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158340   Message #3744683
Posted By: akenaton
17-Oct-15 - 12:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: hard working families
Subject: RE: BS: hard working families
"sadly"....I don't know, we have been living well above our means for the last thirty years. Our financial expectations far too high, our lifestyle wasteful, personal rights more important than constructing a sustainable society.

We blew it ...big time, we embraced consumerism like ducks to water embraced credit though it used to be a shameful condition, allowed our children to rule their parents, dumned down education to allow access to university/ college for kids without academic ability, then provided useless degrees for them to pass.

Reality is bout to kick in and we will not like it, having to take responsibility for ourselves once again.

Who caused this lowering of standards in society? Ideological idiots.