The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3744808
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Oct-15 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
"The trouble is, you're inconsistent. Your usual mode of discussion seems to be argumentum ad absurdum. You redefine everything to the point of stupidity, and then argue with the stupidity"

Examples, please.

". There's no doubt in my mind that stupid people are stupid, but then there's no point in arguing with them. But most people are simply not as stupid as the imaginary friends you argue with."

What imaginary friends? Please apprise me.

"The faith of most religious people cannot be defined in the simplistic terms you use. "

Well tell me what your terms are. I do need a starting point, however. Do you, or do you not, believe in a supernatural God who created everything? What's so hard about that?    It's what your religion teaches, you know (I know, because I was in it for thirty-five years!) Please do not try to blind me with science here. "Steve, you don't get it because it's too complicated for you." Really? Try telling that to "most religious people", hundreds of millions of Catholics in Latin America, the Far East and Africa. Blimey, if they don't all get it, what chance does Stevie-boy have! Get real, Joe. And, for once, look outside your own little bubble.

"And very few religious people have the unquestioning faith you speak of. As DMcG said so well, 'Doubt, not certainty, is an important part of religion.'"

Well if you were sincere about that you would refuse to say almost all the prayers and to sing almost all the hymns of your faith, let alone go to mass. Almost every one is replete with certainty, as unquestioning as you like. Unfortunately, not only do you not refuse them, you also force them on your children. So please spare me the pious nonsense about your doubt, eh?

"When my kids were teenagers, they seemed to think that everybody else was stupid. Now that they're hovering around the age of 40, they have a far more generous view of humankind, and occasionally even admit that their parents aren't stupid, either. So, Steve, don't go thinkin' everybody else is stupid. Otherwise, people are going to start thinkin' you're a teenager. Or are you?"

Perhaps you would kindly tell me what any of that has to do with religion. And I won't dignify your insults with ripostes. I hope you're OK with that. Typical Catholic... :-)