The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29546   Message #374498
Posted By: Mrrzy
14-Jan-01 - 05:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't take this too seriously!!
Subject: RE: BS: Don't take this too seriously!!
I didn't look yet at anyone else's.

Personal Profile for: MRRZY

Sex: preferred
Living arrangement: Sleep upstairs and hang out downstairs
What do you think about ouija boards?: very little
Your favourite TV show? Ooh, tough one; Law & Order, I guess, since Star Trek isn't on any more
What's on your mouse pad? Right now, Star Power, it was free
Favourite board games: Scrabble, Boggle, do things like Pictionary count?
Favourite magazines: In doctor's offices: Reader's digest, Newsweek, Time, Life, Highlights
Favourite smells: Roses. Fresh coffee! Lavender and other old-fashioned old lady soaps; new-cut grass; rain.
Worst feeling in the world: The depressed part of (hypo) manic depression beats being drilled at the dentist by a short head
Best feeling in the world: Surprise, surprise, mania! At least until I figured out that that was what it was... so not counting that, pride in one of my sons
Favourite CD: Varies, but usually a repro of some old folk vinyl my parents had, or at least by artists my parents had vinyl of
Do you get motion sickness? Only occasionally
Roller coasters - scary or exciting? terrifying therefore exciting
How many rings before you answer the phone? I often screen calls, my machine is set to pick up after 4; otherwise I wait for 2 like anyone from the 3rd world where 1 might just be a hiccup
Future sons name? Tough, I've the twins already - Philip?
Future daughter's name? Phoebe Sophia
Favourite foods: Chocolate! Lamb, beef, pork; broccoli, spinach, leeks; peaches (raw) and cherries (cooked). Salads made with lettuces and vinaigrettes made with red wine vinegar and herbs. Fresh coffee (although I can only have decaf these days). Breakfast in Ireland. Anything in Ireland, now that I think of it.
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate for everything except ice cream
Favourite ice cream? Hmmm; depends on mood. Butter pecan or fudge ripple?
Croutons or bacon bits? GARLIC croutons over bacon bits over other croutons
Do you like to drive? yes, a lot
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes, and there are some I won't share with my children, and some I will
What type was your first car: Toyota celica, totaled in a storm I shoulda pulled over and watched go by
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? My father (dead)! But if you mean someone I've never met before, EdMcCurdy. Also dead.
Favourite alcoholic drink: vodka gimlet straight up (savory) or layered toasted almond (sweet)
What is your zodiac sign? Pisces
Who is your favourite poet? Have favorite POEMS rather; No Man Is An Island (Donne) and a lot of Poe; a lot of Edward Lear; Dylan probably comes closest
Do you eat the stems of broccoli? usually
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Full, tenured professorship at an imaginary school of Tufts standard and size and attitude here in UVA-land, where grad students did all the grading...
If you could dye your hair any colour, what would it be? >i>Auburn
Have you ever been in love? yes
What is on your walls in your room? Some art from India (Kama sutra, I assume); no other decorations are on the wall that I can think of
Is the glass half empty or half full? depends if it's being filled (the latter) or emptied (the former)
Favourite movie(s): Casablanca; To Have and Have Not; His Girl Friday; The Philadelphia Story; Rio Bravo; but I'd see any Star Trek movie any number of times other than I, III and V which I could probably see often enough, even if I haven't yet...
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? Righty, very much so
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? not really, but to a point
If you could be one gardening tool, what would you be? I can only think of spades, hoes, adzes and trowels, since I don't garden - given the choice, I'd probably be an adz
What's under your bed? Floor under box springs under mattress
What is your favourite number? 47
What is your dream car? A Jaguar
Favourite sport(s)to watch: Football (US)