The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158377   Message #3745321
Posted By: GUEST,Time stamp
19-Oct-15 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: problems with the little people
Subject: RE: BS: problems with the little people
Aw C'mon this could be interesting and fun. A lot of people experience weird stuff that defies logic. I've got a couple of crackers from childhood that still puzzle me.
       Here's one to give Steve Shaw comfort, so as not to take anything I say to heart as I'm batshit.
       I'm aged about 10 and Mom's in the garden hanging washing and talking over the fence to nextdoor. The twintub is in front of the sink and I start fecking about with the water and pipe and flooded the floor.
       The next room is the dining room and the hoover was I know, I'll hoover it up quick before she comes in. Instead of getting down to it my attention turned to the full sink and started to try and find a sweet spot where the suction would raise the water up, but not up the pipe. I got really into it and was deep in concentration and in a world of my own happy as larry.
         A voice 18" to 2f above my head commanded "get out of the kitchen now" I didn't look up but it's presence sucked the chi out of me, and bent crooked I shot out the back door and was shaking like a leaf. My mate on his bike was coming down the park next to our house and pulled up,seen me and said fxxxing hell what's up with you,but I didn't say.
      So what was it,that told me as a ten-ish yr old child stood in water in bare feet messing about with electricity in the kitchen, to stop. I don't know but it did happen. Was it a one off episode of schizophrenia and luckily the timing was spot on. Was it my own subconscious warning me, haven't a clue. Took me about a week to stop creeping out about it.