The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29546   Message #374554
Posted By: Bill D
14-Jan-01 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don't take this too seriously!!
Subject: RE: BS: Don't take this too seriously!!

Personal Profile for: Bill Day

Sex: Male, in this life
Living arrangement: got a nice wife and kid in college in free-standing house
What do you think about ouija boards?: pooh
Your favourite TV show? Them animal & archeological things on Discovery and PBS
What's on your mouse pad? Celtic knots & fish design..(UNDER a paper towel!..keep you from having to clean the mouse regularly)
Favourite board games: I used to do ok at chess....but...
Favourite magazines: woodworking and nature
Favourite smells: strawberries & bread baking
Worst feeling in the world: having done something dumb,,especially if it hurt anyone...
Best feeling in the world: knowing someone cares about you..
Favourite CD: the latest...but there IS this thing by Jeannie Robertson,,
Do you get motion sickness? Not so far..would LOVE to go into space!
Roller coasters - scary or exciting? fine...never ridden a BIG one, but willing
How many rings before you answer the phone? 2
Future sons name? all done
Future daughter's name? same
Favourite foods: for everyday, baked meats with gravy Etc..(best EVER.. Baked Salmon in Hollandaise sauce)
Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla, usually
Favourite ice cream? Pistaschio-Almond Fudge(Baskin-Robbins)
Croutons or bacon bits? croutons
Do you like to drive? Sure...can drive long distances
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? One bear sometimes..stuffed with rice and warmed in the Microwave for cold nights
What type was your first car: 1951 Chevy coupe
If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? not a fair question,but...DaVinci comes to mind
Favourite alcoholic drink: GOOD beer...(ale, porter, stout...)then GOOD Scotch..
What is your zodiac sign? Bull
Who is your favourite poet? Kenneth Patchen
Do you eat the stems of broccoli? chopped up INTO stuff...
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Synthesist!..the art of showing the relationships of various aspects of society and disciplines..
If you could dye your hair any colour, what would it be? back to auburn
Have you ever been in love? *grin*
What is on your walls in your room? **ROOM??**..LOTS of rooms..paintings by my wife, calendars, shelves with 'stuff', African masks, weird wall hangings....etc
Is the glass half empty or half full?The glass is the wrong size
Favourite movie(s): The Gods Must Be Crazy...Being There...The Wrong Box...Brewster McCloud
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? R
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? *peck, peck, peck*
If you could be one gardening tool, what would you be? why, 'rake', of course..
What's under your bed? water 'under'
What is your favourite number? 70, if I get that far
What is your dream car? Hispano-Suiza with Tulipwood body
Favourite sport(s)to watch: Triathalon, Ski jumping, Curling...*wink*