The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29499   Message #374734
Posted By: Crazy Eddie
15-Jan-01 - 02:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Subject: RE: BS: A matter of sensitivity?
Ickle Dorrit Said <<taken in isolation I am sure your jokes were neither insensitive or inflammatory or intended to cause distress. But if the black, jewish, catholic, asian fat bald guy is continually confronted by these remarks and expected to laugh at themselves every single day, then I guess you can't blame them for losing their sense of humour......>>
Gypsy Said <<Maybe I am thinskinned, but there are days that if I hear ONE more dumb blonde joke, I will scream. Being the constant butt of inference that you are dumb/greedy/lazy, gets old, very fast. The first 50 times, I can laugh. The subsequent times, I grit my teeth>>
I think they have both hit on ONE of the factors that affects our perception of what's funny. A few years ago, I saw a comedian who told some Irish, Scots, Jewish, Welsh, and Sexist Jokes, among others which I didn't identify as about any particular group. I didn't feel offended, nor did a Scotsman who was in our group.
A few weeks later, I saw a comedian who told nothing but Irish Jokes for the first ten minutes of his act. I got up & left.
Somehow, I felt that the first one was just poking fun, while I felt the second had an agenda.
Of course, I am just speaking personally. Others might have been offended by both. But for me, too many jokes about any one group tend to give the impression that the teller means more than fun.
CrazyEddie, if you want to use the type of quoting you tried in this post, you need to enter &lt; to get < and &gt; to get > JoeClone