McG of H and I have been having a similar discussion on another thread and he suggested that we brought it here. Thanks Kevin - advice heeded!One of my points on the other thread was, being a Mancunian, I do not take any particular offence at us 'mancs' being labled as car-thieves, football hooligans etc in jest. (Manchester Olympic Event - 100 metres carrying a car radio...) but to continue other well made points it must be perceived by the listener as being in jest. If I was to think that a statement about Manchester people was being made maliciously I would be one of the first to kick and scream.
The overall thread title says it here SENSITIVITY. It is the sensitiviy of the listener that is the question. We must always be aware that some people may be more sensitive than us.
How then do we draw the line? I don't know - all I can say is if you are unsure if it will offend or not - either don't use it or be prepared to get some stick!
Oh - and finaly - once in a hole, for pity's sake STOP DIGGING!!!! If you do offend someone don't try to explain. Genuinely apologise and if that is not accepted put it down to experience - if you are that far away from the person you have upset you are never likely to be friends anyway!
Hope this helps
Dave the Gnome (With no intended offense to garden ornaments)