The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12033   Message #3750127
Posted By: Jim Dixon
11-Nov-15 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: Arkansas Traveler Skit
As recorded by Earl Johnson Dixie Entertainers, 1927.

—Well, I believe I've got tired o' this place. I'll go over to Arkansas to see my old friend Red a while.

Say, old man, where's this road go to?
—Boy, I been livin' over here three years and I have never seen it go nowhere yet.

—I know you don't understand me. I want to know where that thing forks at.
—Well, it don't fork; it splits all to pieces on top o' that hill over thar.

—How 'bout this creek over here? Is it very deep?
—Water all the way to the bottom.

—How did your potatoes turn out?
—Hell, they never turned out; me and Sal dug 'em out.

—I declare your corn looks mighty little and yeller.
—Well, I planted the yeller kind.

—I know but it looks... you'll only get half a crop out of it.
—Well, fool, I'm workin' on halves.

—Red, you got any ice(?) around your house?
—Well, there's plenty o' water over there; get it and wet it.

—Ain't you got no knives?
—No, sir.
—Ain't you got no forks?
—No, sir.
—How do you do then?
—Very well, thank you. How are you?

—How long you been livin' in here anyway?
—You see that mountain over there?
—Yes, sir.
—Well, it was a hell of a hole in the ground when I come here.

—Mighty windy; does this wind blow this way all the time?
—Why, hell, no, it blows the other way sometimes.

—I wish you'd head that cow for me please.
—She's done headed.

—Well, turn her then; turn her!
—Fool, she's done turned; her hair side's out.

—[Seems]'s like you could speak to her.
—Good mornin', cow!

—Red, … much between you and a fool no way, I'll tell you the truth.
—Well, just a guitar is all I see between me and Earl Johnson.

—I see, sort of a cutup, ain't you?
—No, sir, I'm a Ford cutout, wide open.