The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3750457
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
13-Nov-15 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
I certainly have no desire to persecute Christians. In fact, I suspect that persecution would only encourage them - the martyrdom complex and all that. What I object to, though, is aggressive evangelising - the deliberate spreading of unreason - THAT must be resisted.

Hopefully, religion will eventually fade away of its own accord. Perhaps it's an evolutionary thing?

This 'vision' came to me the other day (Hallejulah!!). In the vision thousands of people were sat staring at a giant screen. On the screen there were depictions of shepherds and prophets, tablets of stone and temples, loaves, fishes, altars and virgins (giving birth). The scene was static and unmoving. Occasionally fights broke out, among the audience, over points of detail - fights often leading to deaths.

Gradually, the audience became aware of a low rumbling sound coming from behind them. Glancing over their shoulders, they saw great juggernaut bearing down on them. The juggernaut was labelled SCIENCE. It hurtled past, and as it did so it snagged the screen, ripped it aside and revealing the vast Universe behind in all its majestic and terrifying glory!

Some of the audience are still scrabbling on the ground for fragments of the screen and attempting to piece it together again. They won't succeed, however much they shout, scream and flail about!