The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3751085
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Nov-15 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
Cor. I haven't accused you of having personality defects! In fact, I excused you entirely from the ones I see in pete. Now I know all about the different species of creationists. But you do all have the one unassailable thing in common, that you believe that God created the universe. I really can't see what you're getting aerated about. Well, I suppose that were I a creationist I wouldn't wish to be associated with pete's version. But creationist seems to be a useful characterisation for anyone who thinks God created everything, and I did differentiate you sharply from pete. As for the bullshit, well I asked you a very straightforward question, which you eventually answered, but you preceded it with verbiage that you hoped would qualify it. It wasn't necessary. The haha was not me taking pleasure in trapping you. I don't do tricks like that. It was a here-we-go-agaIn moment.