The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158262   Message #3751743
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
17-Nov-15 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: More 'Clutter's Last Stand' & fitness Oct/Dec 2015
Subject: RE: More 'Clutter's Last Stand' & fitness Oct/Dec 2015
Chimney clean; studio tight as a drum, well insulated, Tyvek on, tiny hole in wall for "installed" extension cord which will have to do until spring. Solar gain is incredible but as soon as the sun is gone...!!! My indoor/outdoor thermometer is installed and last night I watched the temp drop in studio; at 28 I went out - in the middle of the night - and plugged in a cube heater under a table on which there was clay. Draped a heavy sheet over the table. Watched the temp go up to 35. Good enough!

The thermostatically controlled outlets arrived but can only be plugged into those special bathroom outlets. This will work for keeping the bathroom from freezing when I am away. The clay is in there, in the utility room alcove. I will put the plants in there also. Shelf is installed for them, under the south facing window. Still need to put pieces of insulation on two vents that are supposedly there to let heat from LR into Bathroom. When R gets here again, he will install a propane heater in wall of bathroom; that will help greatly. Whenever!

I believe he is currently in Michigan, on way to Montana but VERY slowly! So glad I am not there.

Did a day at the Art Gallery today. Yesterday's meeting was not great; I managed to clutter my life with making a stab at starting an email auction for a lovely rug to be removed - hazardous; It is so easy for bad feelings if someone's someone gets something like that just because of who they know. 4 positive responses and only my "bid" of $50. we'll see. Basically, I am seeking devious ways in which to de-clutter our org of a mini clique - not going to let "them" get away with mucking up a super Gallery - some of us have been involved since '78. One very good, staunch woman left the meeting early - very upset. ("A" list) We cannot afford to lose her. Some do not want to see it. some do not want to hear about it; I am beginning to perceive a distinct separation; could make two lists of names...

Clutter: phoned an artist/friend who has been accepted for show next December. Hour long chat with wife caught me up on his health. He was dead for 20 minutes last month! But all is being taken care of. I wondered if it would be OK for me to sponsor his show - $400 to cover show expenses. She felt there was no one else he would rather have! So I reported to our sponsor coordinator and was told to communicate with curatorial committee - each of whom I find prickly! (B list!) Will email the least prickly. Still need to talk with Bob about some details - before they get to him. (we/they?) Most sponsors just pay the fee and show up at the opening but I have been pushing him to do this for over a year! I hope we both make it to December 2016! These are the things which make life exciting/interesting/worthwhile. If it is good is it still clutter? I think so.

More clutter: Suggested in email to volunteer coordinator that we have mini tea parties of a few volunteers at a time - so people can get to know each other and better understand each other so we can do business together without so much anxiety/pain/ lack of respect.... I offered my home, 4 minutes from the Gallery. Very un-middle class, it could be a learning experience for most. "Yes, this is the way I live and from which I come to meetings and have the nerve to stand up and speak my mind."

A couple more emails to write tonight. At least the house is less cluttered each day.