The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29569   Message #375249
Posted By: Haruo
15-Jan-01 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Holy God, You Raise Up Prophets
Subject: RE: Martin Luther King - in honor/memory of
Mary, I am not sure what you're saying. Are you saying that new lyrics to folk tunes should only be sung with the permission of the anonymous authors of the earlier lyrics? I will admit I was barely aware of "Keep your hand on the plow" (most of the stuff the search turned up make it look like a Dylan song to me, and most of the lyrics are those interchangeable Negro Spiritual couplets that can be sung to a hundred tunes and in a thousand combinations) before you mentioned it. But I don't understand why it has to be a replacement situation, or why (or how) one would ask the originators their opinion.

In any event, it was the prize, not the plow, that we sang in the early sixties in Freedom School, and that we sang in 1998 at St. Mark's following the Justice Conference.

In my opinion, both should be in the DT.
