The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158223   Message #3752585
Posted By: Steve Shaw
21-Nov-15 - 06:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope in America
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope in America
Well I for one have never been on a Dawkins or Hitchens website, nor do I know if they even exist, nor would I go on them even if they did. Try to be not so bloody silly for a change. And I'm not defending children, I'm attacking YOU for espousing ideas that are likely to damage them, even though your adherence to your belief system is so strong that you really don't care. Your priority is the perpetuation of your belief system, and children's independence of thought can be sacrificed on that altar. You would rather peddle myths as truth to them than tell them the truth, the one and only way of keeping them in the club. Shame on you. It's also dishonest. As for that being your own private business, well I suppose that any decision you might make to sell their bodies on the street would be your exclusive business too. You wouldn't, of course, but abuse is abuse. I couldn't agree with you less. Your children are very far from being your exclusive private affair. They are the future of your country and the future of the planet, and we all have an investment in every one of them. In fact, in this country, and likely in yours too, people like me have to pay taxes to keep your confounded faith schools afloat, so don't dare tell me that your sending your kids to them is none of my business, please. How bloody arrogant can you get. I suppose that if your children are your own exclusive business then so is your wife, along with all your other goods and chattels. She's no less human than the kids, vice versa if you like, after all. I think I might have heard of other religions that think like that. You're not so different, are you. As they say, sheesh.