The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158525   Message #3753728
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
26-Nov-15 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
Subject: RE: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
Max Hastings in his own words.
A real quote Jim, not some prat trying to tell us what he thought he said but didn't!

". But his own(David Cameron) and his colleagues' knowledge of 1914-18 derives chiefly from watching Blackadder when they were in short trousers.
They learned to think of the struggle simply as a pointless tragedy in which Britain's idiot generals committed mass murder.
This 21st-century view has also been strongly influenced by the satirical musical Oh, What A Lovely War!, and by the 'trench poets' Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon and Robert Graves, whose impassioned pens depicted in the most vivid and moving terms the nightmare to which their generation was subjected in France.
But no poet ever identified a route by which the British, French and Belgian people could have escaped the conflict, save by accepting the Kaiser's domination of Europe. Germany's 1914-18 war aims fell not far short of those of 1939-45, except that there was no genocidal programme against the Jews.