The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158525   Message #3754178
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Nov-15 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
Subject: RE: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
"We have not remained silent."
Yes you have - you have explained none of them
You denied the war was an Imperial one and since you inadvertently put up a cut-'n-paste declaring it was you have refused to respond
Where have you ever mentioned what the British or anybody got out of the massive sacrifice they made - nowhere!!
Where have you ever shown where the defence of an Empire which massacred ten million of its colonials was just - nowhere!!
Where have you shown that a war based on throwing one group of young men against the other until one side out-slaughtered the other was "well led" and not simple butchery - nowhere!!
You have centered your arguments totally on opinions of historians you have not read and, if truth be known, have no interest in.
Your only interest has been a jingoist "we won the war", just as your involvement here has always been "I won the argument".
"Why do you reject the findings of the historians Jim?"
I do not - I reject your persistent dishonest misuse of them and your total ignorance of what they are actually saying.
I also reject your dishonesty in claiming that nobody has piut up a counter argument to your cut-'n-pastes when you have been bombarded with responses you have ignored - your own historians, when you read what they actually say, prove you wrong.
Why do you pair call the soldiers who fought the war gullible or liars?
Captain Pugwash
I have no idea how your mass of unqualified verbiage is supposed to address the points I made - more bullying bullshit as one would expect from a self-confessed Empire Loyalist who has so much respect for the men who fought the war (not the Generals of course) as "gullible" or "liars" if their experiences didn't fit in with your own jingoism.
You have not addressed one point I have made and you have yet to answer a single question raised by anyone here other than to swamp these this thread with belligerent bullshit.
You are right about one thing - the war was not a matter of choice - it was the result of actions taken by politicians to preserve an Empire - the people who actually fought and died to preserve that Empire had no choice in the matter.
There - I'm sure there are enough typos in that lot to keep you happy for weeks
Jim Carroll