The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158655   Message #3754386
Posted By: akenaton
29-Nov-15 - 05:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
Subject: RE: BS: Reducing the UK welfare bill
Yes, we are, because Thatcher was responsible for introducing the pernicious ideology of the neo-liberal free market to this country. This wicked, self-serving nonsense has led to our society becoming ever more deeply divided as the 'un-regulated' rich get richer and richer at the expense of the less well-off."

Unfortunately Shim, if we continue to vote to live in this sort of society, we are going to have capitalist economics.

Mrs Thatcher had many serious decisions to make, our manufacturing was obsolete, as Mr T says our housing stock was in ruins, our middle class was dispirited, she went for personal financial aspiration the driving force of capitalist economics......she had no option, given that the UK in my lifetime has never even looked like embracing real socialism with the loss of personal "freedom" that it entails.

Mrs Thatcher bought time for the system AND for the people of this country......One important point applies whether we are a capitalist or socialist nation.... we must support ourselves, either by increased production by financial aspiration, or a lowering of our wasteful living standards throughout the most of society. This would be very difficult to accomplish, given the guaranteed opposition of the rich, the middle class, the media, and most importantly.....the "liberal" Left.