The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158262   Message #3754537
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
29-Nov-15 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: More 'Clutter's Last Stand' & fitness Oct/Dec 2015
Subject: RE: More 'Clutter's Last Stand' & fitness Oct/Dec 2015
My next door neighbors were due back from a cruise this afternoon, but they called a little while ago - they're stuck in the Houston channel or somewhere beyond it because of the fog. It's a cold penetrating rain here, so they might stay in town overnight if they do dock. A cold rainy nighttime drive is not the way to end a vacation. We don't get much of a fall, it goes from hot to cold quickly.

I've rearranged my kitchen in between stepping back to the computer to check out old VHS video files I've decided to convert to digital files. It took several tries to get the setting so it would load into the computer. I'm getting there. The kitchen is kind of back where it started earlier today - I moved the big kitchen queen around (it's an old fashioned cabinet somewhat the size of a standard side-by-side refrigerator), but the room is too dark if it sits anywhere but the corner so I moved it back and will be content with rearranging contents. Jars of pasta and and beans live there now, leaving the pie safe side of the cabinet free for use. I was making do with unloading regular cupboard contents to let baked goods cool, but last week I remembered about the wire racks in this tall cupboard. Baking is easier when one owns a dog that is determined to snatch food off of counter tops.

I have a number of items to donate to the thrift store and some ancient foodstuffs headed to the curb in the morning.