The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158668   Message #3754647
Posted By: GUEST,#
30-Nov-15 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: BS:Planned Parenthood Shooter-Christian Terrorist?
Subject: RE: BS:Planned Parenthood Shooter-Christian Terrorist?
Greg, the Republicans have no chance this election coming up. Trump's numbers are down to 12% right now btw. Seems he may have gone too far overboard for even Republican stomachs. The present dog and pony show is just that. Remember, all the official news agencies are talking about what sells 'papers', but that's beginning to backfire on the lot of them. The key in the US will be the same as the key we used in Canada: get younger people to vote. Other than a small lunatic fringe, most people are fair-minded and that fact alone sinks the GOP. The Democrats have to follow the Liberal strategy from our election on October 19: state your platform, be polite and get voters engaged. I knew they'd win although I was surprised by how much.

The Republicans are all wind. The rallying cries are beginning to sound pretty hollow even to their supporters. Their type of conservatism is failing badly because all it does is play to the hatreds and fears of their voters but offers no alternatives to those voters. The press agencies aligned with them are starting slowly to be laughing stocks. As much as we might want a self-declared lunatic as President just to see if we'd notice a change, people will vote wisely, provided we concentrate on the youth vote. If we do, the election is in the bag.

Generally, count on 45% of voters to go Rep, 45% to go Dem and all that needs be addressed is that floating 10% that is up for grabs. If the Dems have the brains god gave a turnip, you'll have Hillary most likely (although Bernie is the best candidate, imo). Want to win the election? Get out the vote.