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Thread #158683   Message #3754753
Posted By: Teribus
30-Nov-15 - 07:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corbyn, Labour and ISIS
Subject: RE: BS: Corbyn, Labour and ISIS
Gnome's magic wand suggestions are no solution at all:

1: Help Turkey close it's borders to ISIS volunteers

Any indication at all from Erdogan that they want the border closed? NO
Turkey joined the coalition against IS and then promptly started bombing Kurdish Peshmerga positions.
Turkey is one of IS's main customers for their smuggled oil.

2: "Stop the supply of arms to ISIS"

With what they have taken from Iraqi and Syrian Army arsenals I do not think IS at the moment have any weapons supply problems.

3: Help cut the funding that ISIS are getting

IS are considered to be the richest terrorist group in the world, the territory they hold generates income for them so the only real way to cut their funding is to shift them out of the territory that they control. Their major source of income was from oil but airstrikes on oil related targets have significantly reduced this stream of income.
Support moderates in the area - so much for bombing having been proven a failure.

4: Support moderates in the area

Easier said than done - the time to have done this was months ago but Parliament rejected the idea. Whatever happens now will be too little, too late. The Kurds will be helped but they will only clear IS from Kurdish areas apart from in Iraq where they might try to regain control of Mosul.

When action against IS with the US supplying advisers and air power Obama stated quite clearly that it would take time - putting boots on the ground in any significant numbers will be counterproductive - better the Arabs do this moderately well than us going in and doing it perfectly (To paraphrase T.E.Lawrence)

Only real game in town is to back Putin and Assad, the refugees we've got until something happens to Assad, they won't be going back home while that man is in power.