The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158688   Message #3755413
Posted By: MikeL2
03-Dec-15 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: Kendall is NOT finished !!
Subject: RE: Kendall is finished
Hi Kendal

Sorry to hear that you have been forced to cease playing.

I also suffer from arthritis and had to stop.

I bought an electronic keyboard and practiced on it most days. Took a bit of getting used to ( I played piano and keyboards years ago ).
Because of the arthritis I have to "fudge" around some but I gradually got some movement back.

When I read your message I got out my guitar and find I can play it again. Not as well as I used to but much better than a couple of years ago when I was forced to stop. For instance I can't plat barred full chords but I can get around that But my finger-picking hand has improved with using the keyboard to an extent where I have about 75% of what I had.

I Hope you can find some way to play again if not guitar something else. You are too good and we will miss your music.

