The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158683   Message #3755721
Posted By: GUEST
04-Dec-15 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Corbyn, Labour and ISIS
Subject: RE: BS: Corbyn, Labour and ISIS
Corbyn is no party leader, look at the man, he looks like someone living on the streets, he says he has principles yet old film footage shows him as an unrepentant red. Now he is going back on every value he once held. The Labour party will remove him soon enough.

David is doing a grand job and the bombing is necessary to defend UK interests throughout the world.

I support ground troops going in and dealing with these terrorists, if the terrorists get support among civilians, then yes collateral damage is acceptable.

David has the support and the will to deal with terrorists. The British public has spoken and spoken loudly.

An intense campaign is the only language these terrorists understand.