The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158724   Message #3756574
Posted By: GUEST,Blue
07-Dec-15 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Bernie Sanders?
Subject: RE: BS: President Bernie Sanders?
Hillary has too many unsolved murders linked to her and Bill...look it up google "Clinton Murders".
Also HIllary is too involved in Benghazi...that is, she was using the office of sec of state to sell arms to the enemy during wartime...yes, it is available knowledge, we know the names of the dealers, receivers, the ships they were shipped on thru Turkey to arm Al Quaeda and Isis...we even have the emails documenting the process...
No, just because she is a woman does not forgive treason in color of office.
If Hillary is elected, look for deeper corporate fascism to expand world wide.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!

And paid for by more debt.

Dont believe me, look it up for yourself. This is all published information freely available.