The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158784   Message #3758228
Posted By: gnu
13-Dec-15 - 08:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
Subject: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
Seriously? This fuckin nutbar passes a nutbar and it's big news? it's a "relief"?

What kind of a circus... a dog and pony show complete with dancing monkeys... is being paraded in front of... is being tolerated by "The most powerful nation on earth"? Cough, cough... most powerful... ha! Sweet Jaysus this is really getting to be sickening. Why aren't Yanks demanding that this embarrassing cluster fuck with these no-mind idiots be stopped?

These assholes threaten the entire earth. Ted Cruz???? Really?! He is the voice of reason for the GOP? WTF?