The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142014   Message #3758867
Posted By: GUEST,Robert Benjamin S.
16-Dec-15 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: The Story of the Juanita Montrond Tapes-Bob Nelson
Subject: RE: I'm looking for the family ...Juanita Montrond
I just heard the songs on Sunday for the first time and since then I have been playing them non stop and showing anyone who walks by my office. Hopefully I'll be seeing my grandfather Benny over xmas, and I can't wait for him to hear these if he hasn't already.

A little background for you on what this experience means to me:
My Mother has always told us about weekends when they would drive from Lodi to Juanita and Lola's apartment in Sausalito. They would invite all their friends over and have parties where Juanita, Benny, and Lola would end up singing at some point after my Mother and her cousin were sent to bed. The two of them would peek their heads out the door to see those three commanding the entire room with these songs. My Mother said you could hear a pin drop in what had previously been a boisterous room full of drinking and smoking and story-telling.
Benny *loves* to sing whenever the occasion presents itself. Birthdays, weddings, graduation, and sometimes even just if it strikes him. The last few years he has been volunteering at a hospital, giving magazines to patients in the wards. He told me that if they look up for it he presents them with a barter: "I'll give you this magazine, but only if you let me sing you a song." And of course they always take him up on the offer.
Hearing his sweet voice in chorus with his Mother and Sister who have both passed has brought more than a few tears to my families eyes in the days since my Uncle shared your recordings.

Please feel free to email me at [ariznarob at gmail dot com] (I've typed it this way to avoid spammers grabbing my email.

Robert S.