The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158525   Message #3758960
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Dec-15 - 04:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
Subject: RE: BS: Jingoism or Commemoration
"You claimed to have read three in just a few days while doing other things in Dublin"
Made a point of saying I hadn't read any of them Keith - just skipped through them - stop lying - sorry, you can't - it's congenital.
You are ignoring what people write just as you must have skipped through 'Catastrophe" (628pp)" which you claim to have "borrowed about two weeks ago" and read by 4 days ago, at the same time as scrabbling around Mudcat for cut-'n-pastes..... and did the Christmas shopping at the same time!!!! - - are you ****** mad - or do you think we are?
Is this really how you spend your life - reading about a century old war that nobody gives a **** about and flag wagging on this forum - really explains a lot about why you are the sad, sad individual that you are?
Nobody gives a shit about World War One anymore - the ones that experienced it are dead, those who are still around who lived through the aftermath remember the period following it as one of hardship, misery and a betrayal of the 'war to end all wars' promise' - another avoidable World War - another betrayal, both of the 'Land fit for heroes to live in' and the original 'war to end all wars' promises.
The world has been in a permanent state of warfare since the end of WW2, has gone through a series of crises one after the other, those of us at the lower end of the scale have watched our standards of living, our security of employment, tenure and access to health treatment wither away, our chances of seeing our children having a good secure future on a clean, healthy planet being taken from us, while at the same time, being treated to financial and political scandal circuses and the wealth of our nations disappearing into fewer and fewer hands.
You pair are like those Japanese soldiers who were found on South Sea Islands still fighting a war that had been over for decades.
World War One was a sordid bloodbath that decimated the world of its young men - nothing glorious, and certainly nothing to be proud of or to defend - it was a war fought to allow the wealthiest to stay wealthy and go on on pillaging, raping and exploiting the planet - it was what it said on the tin 'The Great/Imperial War'.
Debating with you pair is like watching one of those Medieval, or Civil War, or Battle of Waterloo reconstructions.
You are a pair of anachronisms in the extreme.
'Rule Britannia'
Jim Carroll