The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158784   Message #3759451
Posted By: GUEST,#
18-Dec-15 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
Subject: RE: BS: Cruz Passes Trump in Polls
It's not just the Trump crowd, Greg. A majority of Canadian Conservatives think Trump is 'right on the money' with his views. Meanwhile, we're working as a country to have 25,000 refugees from the Syrian 'conflict' relocated to here. Knitters are making each of them--all 25,000--touques, organizations both private and governmental are getting housing ready and in general non-Conservatives are busting their buns to ensure the refugee introduction to Canada is warm, welcoming and friendly. In the parlance, we'll get 'er done, but they represent just a drop in what seems to be a bottomless bucket.

Then I read a news story that a $30 billion contract to build Humvees from now until 2036 is in Lockheed's hands (Oshkosh?) and new fighter planes are expected to use laser weapons by 2020. So it looks like the world can expect lots more wars to keep the wheels greased. Makes a guy despair.

If I neglect to say so before then, please have a great Christmas season.

Best wishes to y'all and take good care of yourself lest I run out of people to have misunderstandings with :-)