The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3760016
Posted By: GUEST
21-Dec-15 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
I disagree with Keith and I'm a historian.


Teribus is quoting straight from the Michael Gove book of putting empire worship on the school curriculum.


The first time some idiot of a general was supported for saying "Sending men over the top seems to get them all killed, let's send some more and see what happens" was the time that military incompetence entered the war and managed to survive.


War itself is an admission of failure.


Each and every person arguing on here for glorification of a public service society should be looking to make irrelevant has never been to war, has never been subjected to the idiots from Sandhurst and have obviously never read accounts from those actually there.
