The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158555   Message #3760552
Posted By: GUEST,Jacqui's Secret Seasonal Santa
23-Dec-15 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Taunting, 2015 edition
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Taunting, 2015 edition
Well, it was you that suggested that the animosity between Taunto and a certain she-elf should cease and a solution be found. Well, apparently their little talk went better than expected and after running around for more gifts to add to what they had accumulated separately, they left the bounty in my office in a bag, both announced that they were taking leave (quite unheard of at this time of year) and they made plane connections for Las Vegas. Who would of thought.

   Anyway, the bag of goodies has been located and is winging its way to you, and you should be pleased.

Rest ye merry,