The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3760585
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Dec-15 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"Jim, I have a problem with you referring to Teritowelling as Pugwash."
Think of the pirate hat, the cutlass and the stupid grin.
I quite like the feel of territoweling - having this bollix hanging round your neck does't bear thinking about!
"don,t think they are Thatcherites"
Why not - Terrytoon (if you insist Raggy) has defended Thatcher, he has told us that when the Government adopts policies that create mass unemployment w should "Get on our bikes" (classic statement from arch-Thatcherite, Deaths Head Danny Tebbitt), he thinks British industry (before Thatcher closed it down) was shit and it was more profitable to buy abroad, both of them remain silent when her support for mass-murderer Pinochet is mentioned, Keith says what Thatcher believed but didn't dare to say out loud, let alone put into practice.......
If it quacks and waddles, it's almost certainly a duck.
" They raise good points and provide facts"
Only if you take what they say as being true and ignore the fact that they consistently refuse to respond to challenges.
Terrytoon just makes statements and talks down to people (always the sign of a bullshitter)
As far as things getting heated and out of control, both of them can be as insulting as anybody (to us poor "Leftie Muppets" and "ignoramouses". "gullible", "moron") - I have become extremely bored at being called a "liar" by Keith and actually counted a dozen times when he wrote "I win" or "you lose" on one thread - enough to make Mother Theresa spit feathers.
Their habit of claiming they have actually "won" and argument when it has been demolished (classless army, well off pre-war Liverpudlians, democratic in Britain in the 1830s....) used to be amusing, now it's just irritating.
If you believe their arguments, you are on your own - they are a couple of Lone Rangers here (still "winning", of course)
None of this makes for decent discussion - it would be nice to have an intelligent right-winger to argue with... not o far.
Best to all - off to spend Christmas where we don't have to cook or make beds for a few days - and drink a lorra - lorra Guinness..
Happy humbug.
Jim Carroll