The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158865   Message #3761166
Posted By: Hollowfox
27-Dec-15 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: Rob Constantine 1960's folk - Albany NY
Subject: RE: Rob Constantine 1960's folk - Albany NY
He was in college at the State University of New York at Geneseo in the late 1960's I didn't meet him at the time (I was also attending), and he was singing there at the time. He was featured in the first Geneseo Folk Festival in January (or February or March?) 1968, as was Ysaye Barnwell (Sweet Honey in the Rock, also a student there), and Lou Killen. I remember Rob sang Malaguena Salerosa, and I believe he followed Lou as the next act on stage. In my time in Albany (1970s) I don't remember seeing or hearing about Rob at that time. Last Vestage Records (Quail Street, Albany) might have the album you're looking for. They no longer have an online catalog, but a phone call to them might get you what you need.