The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158817   Message #3761454
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Dec-15 - 04:30 AM
Thread Name: History and mythology of WW1
Subject: RE: History and mythology of WW1
"Personally I agree with Labour's policy of regulating immigration"
Immigration should not be an issue - not while THIS is going on.
Labour's immigration policy is little different than the Tories (just like its political policy in one-party Britain)
The war these people are fleeing from is one we helped to bring about and it is totally immoral and inhuman that we should send these people back, many of them to their certain deaths, until it is settled.
Is that really what Britain has become?
THESE images should be on display in every city in Britain - that is what our policy of trade and appeasement has helped create.
Nigel the Farrago and his like have fed on the Xenophobia my generation took in during our daily post-Empire lessons and has created a strutting little one-policy party which now commands a magnificent %1.00 of the British vote - one seat - so by Ake's reckoning, the rest of Britain is not "of sound mind".
Nige the beer swilling No-brain has gone and stars of the political scene like Tory cast-off-crooks IAN AND CHRIS have stepped in to make up the numbers.
Sorry Ake - the last "Socialist" to have played the race card in the political game in Britain was THIS ONE
Jim Carroll