The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63036   Message #3762165
Posted By: GUEST,jim bainbridge
01-Jan-16 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: I really enjoyed that Folk Club because.
Subject: RE: I really enjoyed that Folk Club because.
I never knew that, Dick- I was a resident singer there while at college in the area- mid-sixties. Rod & Danny used to get some very good guests, as you might expect- Margaret Barry and Fred Jordan come to mind... and it was there that Rod heard the melodeon for the first time- me. Pete Wood of the Keelers was another resident and I sold him my Wheatstone concertina when I went back north in 1970- £45
I think.
The club was held in a room across a yard at the back of the pub and was a b... cold place in winter with that old boiler in the room & the Courage beer was terrible- I wasn't used to southern beer at the time, but the locals drank bottles of Courage Light Ale, and I soon understood why.
There was a Saturday night session at the same pub, but more informal and in the bar. I was amazed at the skill of some unlikely piano players in the pub- I'd never come across a 'player piano' before. Terry Vosper of Stepney used to come down and give us a great variety of Cockney songs & became a good friend- I found the club via the Melody Maker and am glad I did