The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45180 Message #3762662
Posted By: GUEST
03-Jan-16 - 08:24 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Danger Waters - story behind the song?
Subject: RE: Help: Danger Waters - story behind the song?
Easy as heck: The tortoise boy is a strange freak in this woman's village, having a humped back that makes it look like he has a shell, or he's a guy who catches and sells tortoise meat, to make his living. Either way, this woman gets the hots for him. He's good in bed, giving her three orgasms, to the point where she hollers, "Lordy have mercy!" Unfortunately, she gets pregnant and has to give birth, in private, aided only by her shelled lover. She worries that her mother will find out. Since the tortoise boy is her lover, and the father of her child, she gives him a few shillings to help him out. He then rejects her, no longer being her friend, as she sings, and leaves her behind, wanting her money back. No mystery, at all, although y'all seem to like to take every little line apart so have at it, if it gets you off.