The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158955   Message #3763399
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Jan-16 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: The Critics Group: Who is still Alive ?
Subject: RE: The Critics Group: Who is still Alive ?
Not sure which programme you are talking about Dick, but pesonally, I thought the Christi Moore interview was among the fairest ever made on Ewan's work (still on line.)
Christie, like Luke Kelly, is an unreserved admirer of Ewan and made that quite clear.
His comments on Ewan's attitude to Dylan were fair enough, considering that he was unaware of why Ewan took the stance he did on Dylan.
When Lomax first came to Britain, Ewan, Bert and many other of the early revival singers were singing American songs in phoney mid-Atlantic accents.
Lomax shook them all by the scruff of the neck and said they should be exploring their own traditions
The BBC recording project did just that, and we were introduced to Harry Cox, Elizabeth Cronin, Jeannie Robertson, et al....
When Dylan hit the scene, Ewan and others regarded him as a threat to what they had achieved in opening up our own national repertoires (Pete Seeger and others took more or less the same stance when Dylan went electric at Newport).
Lot's of us didn't particularly like what Dylan did, but I believe this had little to do with Ewan's various anti-Dylan outbursts.
Personally, I tend to agree with Dylan'sattitude to his own singing.
Dylan 'Fesses Up
Jim Carroll