The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158955   Message #3763730
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Jan-16 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: The Critics Group: Who is still Alive ?
Subject: RE: The Critics Group: Who is still Alive ?
"you have not answered the question about Woody Guthrie songs?"
I've made the point - here and elsewhere - that nobody at any time has ever been 'prohibited' from singing any song from anywhere (as you ave claimed on the other thread)
Our residents were expected to sing songs forom their own national repertoires, or at least, adapt say, American songs to their own accents in order that they don't sound phoney (we've also discussed this in terms of your singing blues).
It was club policy to promote singers who sang songs from their national repertoires for the reasons I don't really want to go over again, unless you have anything new to add.
Peggy wrote an excellent letter to The Living Tradition years ago which perfectly outlined our policy - I think most people have seen it - it's still accessible on their website.
"I can only speak from my own experience,"
And I can only speak of mine, and we can go on like this forever, if you wish
"I have been even handed about EWAN "
No you haven't -, you've just described him as "boorish" and have yet to say why.
That's l#the last word I would have chosen to describe him - forthright, most certainly.
This is nothing to do with who likes his songs or not - it's about where his contribution to the understanding and proliferation of of folk song.
Things like name changes, use of chairs, warm-ups are things I have mentioned at one time or another - they are not, as I understand it, in dispute.
Jim Carroll