The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158955   Message #3763906
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Jan-16 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: The Critics Group: Who is still Alive ?
Subject: RE: The Critics Group: Who is still Alive ?
Sorry about diversion - was trying to explain how Group worked - got interrupted.
"The Critics Group: Who is still Alive?"
Brian Byrne died - of lukemia, around 1967
Charles - worked with Banner Theatre, Birmingham - died 1980
Most of the rest, as far as I know, are still alive though some of them stopped singing and some on the list were never singers but came to the Group through the Festival of Fools, and later, when the work shifted to theatre, came just as actors.
Ted Culver left shortly after the London albums (late 1960s)
Aldwyn Cooper sang in Festival of Fools but as far as I know, nowhere else
Richard Humm, never sang, but worked as technician for FoF
Allen Ives, never sang - worked on of FoF
Maggie O'Murphy - Alan's partner - never sang but acted and worked as helper for group and FoF
Paul Lenihan excellent singer, still living in London 1980s but not singing then
Jim O'Connor, sang but was more interested in theatre - gave up when Group collapsed and concentrated on local theatre
Michael Rosen, Never sang - came into group as actor - poet working on children's radio
Susanna Steele Excellent actor - never sang.
Jack - still singing and writing - possibly in U.S.
Frankie - still singing, UK and Australia
Brian Pearson - still around but don't think he's singing
Denis Turner - was working in amateur theater (Tower, Islington)
Bob Blair - living in Glasgow - sings occasionally
Terry Yarnell - lives in Suffolk, plays fiddle more than sings.
John Faulkner - lives in Galway - still singing.
This is a more-or less full list of the members from the early days - a few people came and went quickly, but these are the long (ish) term ones.
Jim Carroll

Critics Group members
Armstrong Frankie
Benjamin Rex
Blair Bob
Byrne Brian
Campbell Bobby
Campbell Helen
Carroll Jim
Clayre Alasdair
Cliff Dave
Colclough Phil
Cooper Aldwyn
Culver Ted
Doody Jim
Faulkner John
Kelly Luke
Kennedy Donniell
Kennedy Floyd
Kerr Sandra
Lowe Jeff
Mackenzie Pat
Marigold Dave
McCulloch Gordon
O'Connor Jim
O'Connor Sal
Pearson Brian
Peters Shirley
Rosen Mike
Rosenthal Buff
Seeger Peggy
Snell Dick
Turner Denis
Warshaw Jack
Yarnell Terry