The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158812   Message #3763938
Posted By: Rapparee
08-Jan-16 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Tavern 2015
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Tavern 2015
The wonderful chap with the rapier awakens, shakes his head, and calls Bossy, his horse.

Bossy comes, as usual, when called and the swordsman mounts. Bossy moves off at a smart canter, collecting Elsie the packhorse on the way past. Janie is snatched up, wheelchair and all, and taken back to her abode (riding double with the Aussie was fun as they played pinochle all the way).

And MMario sighs and nails the door, which Bossy had knocked down, back up again.