The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23505   Message #376473
Posted By: Greyeyes
17-Jan-01 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: Lord of the Rings. Movie and songs.
Subject: RE: Lord of the Rings. Movie and songs.
This is quite an old one, but some people may not have seen it.

In a recent press release to the world media, Jackson openly admits that he has thrown all caution to the winds and decided to "go with the flow" of Twentyfirst Century popular ethics. "I can't afford to offend anybody - even with all my new financial backing," Jackson confessed. "So I've decided to go with a 'modern' interpretation of Lord Of The Rings. Aragorn will be an African American, Arwen a feminist with latent lesbian tendencies. The dubious 'no-women-in-their-life' status of Merry and Pippin, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir will be brought out overtly and Eowyn's infatuation with Aragorn will be admitted as indicative of her Electra complex."

When pressed to reveal more of his "go with the flow" approach, Jackson freely declared that the Easterlings would be represented as an exploited people reacting against Numenorian imperialism, and Sauron as a charismatic leader with independent moral values, reflecting a unique cosmology that shouldn't be judged by White Male Hero standards. As for Orcs, Trolls, Uruk Hai and other "baddies", Jackson will be subtly directing the audience to sympathise with them as pre-scientific genetic experiments that went awry. "We should feel sorry for the Orcs," Jackson states. "It's not their fault they are so mean and nasty. They are the unfortunate results of a poor diet, a low socio-economic background and absent or negligent parenting. If anything, we ought to try to understand them rather than judge them... I mean, isn't that in the spirit of inclusion that characterises the current Western mood?"

Latest reports have it that Jackson's final scene will have Aragorn shaking hands with Gothmog and Gandalf leading the armies of Mordor in a rousing chorus of 'Kumbaja!' --